Localize for Education

Localize helps forward thinking educational institutions provide students, faculty, and community members with information, enrollment, and online learning platforms in the language they understand best. Our automated content detection and delivery system coupled with advanced translation management help you remove language barriers quickly and easily.
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Add One Line of Code

Getting started is easy

Localize integrates seamlessly with your website or application. Your visitors will feel welcome in just a few easy steps. Simply add one line of code to the header of your site, or use one of our many integration guides. Localize automatically detects new content on your website and pulls it directly into your dashboard for translation. Once translated, it's pushed live!
Specific Business Needs

Translation options for every budget

Localize lets you select the translation method that works best for your specific business needs. You can invite your own translators or order quality human translations directly through our platform. We even include machine translations to get you started free of charge.
Dashboard mockup

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.