Translate Your Web Application

Translating complex dashboards and other web applications can be a daunting task. But not with Localize! We offer a variety of tools and workflows that make translating dynamic content quick, easy, and cost-efficient.
iPhone mockup
Dashboard mockup
One Line of Code

Simple to Integrate

Localize integrates seamlessly with your website or application. Your visitors will feel welcome in just a few easy steps. Simply add one line of code to the header of your site, or use one of our many integration guides. Localize automatically detects new content on your website and pulls it directly into your dashboard for translation. Once translated, it's pushed live!
Accuracy Improvement

Prepare your dynamic content

Localize simplifies your translation workflow with tools to identify and merge phrases that contain dynamic content (such as user-generated content, dates, etc), condense content with variables using HTML syntax, apply pluralize attributes to variables for improved accuracy and block PII, PHI or privacy-sensitive content from detection.
Dashboard mockup

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.